ISNN’s 9th International Congress will take place in Chapel Hill, NC, the charming hometown of the United States’ oldest public university, the University of North Carolina. Rich in history, beauty, and culture, Chapel Hill is one of the three corners of North Carolina’s Research Triangle.
Students on Polk Place on the UNC campus. Photo courtesy of the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau
ISNN 2015 events will take place at the historic Carolina Inn and nearby lecture halls on the beautiful UNC Chapel Hill campus.
Pittsboro St, 211 Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Chapel Hill is conveniently located about 18 miles (25 minutes by car) from Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU).
We are also about 15 miles (20-25 minutes by car) from an Amtrak station and a Megabus station in neighboring Durham, NC.
We have a limited number of rooms on hold directly at the Carolina Inn at a very favorable rate of $179 plus 7.5% tax.
Contact us at to reserve a room using our group booking code.